(The following is the December 2 devotional from my Next Step Devotions book. Before reading it, I suggest you read Revelation 2 and pay close attention to verses 12-17.)

Most of the seven churches in Revelation 2-3 had positive and negative characteristics. Their letters began with affirmations of what they did well, followed by one or more things they needed to change. We see this pattern, for example, in the letter to the church at Pergamum. The letter praised the church for holding on to the name of Jesus and remaining faithful amid persecution. After the affirmations, John wrote, “But I have a few things against you” (v. 14), and he continued with the criticisms.
We can learn at least two lessons from this pattern of addressing affirmations and criticisms. First, we have much room for improvement regardless of our Christian maturity. The godliest people would likely be the first to tell us several ways they need to mature in their faith. Anyone who believes he has arrived in Christlikeness is dangerously blind to reality. We may not enjoy pondering our weaknesses, but they exist, and we should recognize them and do our part to change them as God changes us.
A second lesson is that it’s wise in such conversations to start with the positive. Years ago, I was the training manager for a company and supervised more than 20 trainers. I regularly sat in on their classes, observing and taking notes. After each observation, the trainer and I would meet, and I would provide my feedback. I always ensured two things: (1) I noted at least as many positive things as there were areas for improvement, and (2) I started the conversation by sharing what they did well. Beginning with the affirmations encouraged them and helped make them receptive regarding the areas of improvement.
Be thankful for people who tell you what you do well and where you can improve. We need to hear both to grow in Christlikeness.
Next Step:
Discuss with a trusted Christian friend or leader where you are strong and possible areas of improvement in your walk with Christ.