(The following is the December 2 devotional from my Next Step Devotions book. Before reading it, I suggest you read Revelation 3 and pay close attention to verses 1-6.)

What kind of reputation do you have? Do you think much about it? Some claim not to care what people think, while others craft every move to make a particular impression. How people see us affects us. Our reputation can open or close doors of opportunity. It can help or hinder relationships. If we claim the name of Christ, how others see us reflects our Lord in their eyes for good or bad.
We all have a reputation, whether we understand it accurately or consciously try to influence it. As Christ's followers, we should care that people associate us with Christ. When they think of us, do godly qualities like the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 come to mind? Or do we demonstrate behaviors that dishonor Christ and lead others to a lower opinion of us and our Lord?
How others perceive us impacts them and us, but what matters most is how God perceives us. People may be right or wrong in their assessment of us, but God knows us precisely as we are. He doesn’t know us only through our words and actions. God knows our hearts, thoughts, desires, and motives. Drawing close to him through his Word, prayer, and the work of the indwelling Holy Spirit helps us understand who we are and who we need to become.
The church at Sardis received a sobering word regarding their reputation: “You have a reputation for being alive, but you are dead” (v. 1). It didn’t matter how many accolades the church received from others if God knew the truth about their poor spiritual condition. We must seek to understand God’s assessment of us and live to please him. It is his assessment that matters for eternity. By pleasing him, we better reflect him to others.
Next Step:
Ask several people in different contexts about your reputation. Ask for suggestions on how to reflect Christ better in daily interactions.