(The following is the October 25 devotional from my Next Step Devotions book. Before reading it, I suggest you read Hebrews 9 and pay close attention to verses 27-28.)

Hebrews 9 compares the old covenant priestly ministry in the tabernacle with the new covenant ministry of our great high priest, Jesus Christ. Those differences are the main point of the chapter. However, one brief side note from verse 27 is worth considering: “It is appointed for people to die once – and after this, judgment.” These words represent essential truths about life and death and what happens after death. The verse teaches that we live and die in this earthly life only once, and when we die, God judges us. Implications of this include the following:
There is no such thing as reincarnation. Nobody passes from this life and then comes back as someone or something else. Nobody now living has lived a previous life.
There is no such place as Purgatory. There is an intermediate state until Christ returns, but everyone seals their eternal fate in this life by accepting or rejecting Christ. No place exists where the dead have another chance to repent or where others can pray them into heaven.
Everyone will face a holy God upon their earthly death. God will receive those saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ into his eternal kingdom as his children. Those who don’t know Christ before they die will be judged and eternally condemned to Hell for rejecting the only name by which we must be saved, Jesus Christ.
Never overlook what may appear to be brief side notes in Scripture. They are also God’s Word and contain essential truths.
Next Step:
Memorize Hebrews 9:27 and be prepared to use it in conversations about reincarnation, Purgatory, and eternal judgment.