(The following is the January 10 devotional from my Next Step Devotions book. Before reading it, I suggest you read Matthew 9 and pay close attention to verses 2-4.)

Jesus knew what others were thinking or saying behind his back. In this passage, when Jesus said to a person with paralysis, “your sins are forgiven” (v. 2), it upset the scribes. They said to themselves, “He’s blaspheming!” (v. 3). Then, “perceiving their thoughts” (v. 4), Jesus confronted them. The parallel story in Mark 2:8 says, “Jesus perceived in his spirit that they were thinking like this within themselves.”
Other stories include Matthew 12:25, where Jesus knew their thoughts and challenged the Pharisees who claimed Jesus drove out demons by Beelzebul. In Matthew 22:18, Jesus knew their malicious intent and responded to those who asked whether it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar. There are other examples as well.
That Jesus knows our thoughts is either great news or alarming, depending on one’s perspective. It is fantastic news to Christians that our Savior knows us intimately. He knows more than what we reveal to him in prayer. Jesus knows our thoughts, desires, fears, what brings us joy, when we feel near to him, and when we are just going through the motions. He knows our inner groanings when we can’t find the words to pray. How freeing is that? We don’t have to pretend; we only need to be honest with him.
This divine ability can also be alarming, especially for those who prefer to keep sins secret. It doesn’t matter the lateness of the hour, the darkness of the corner in which they try to hide, or whether any other human knows. Jesus knows, sees, and hears.
Jesus understands our thoughts and our hearts better than we know ourselves. The creation can’t hide anything from the Creator.
Next Step:
Confess to God the secret sins you have perhaps never shared with anyone. Ask God to purify your heart, so your thoughts, words, and deeds please him. Pray as David did, “God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10).