In addition to the Bible itself, which Bible study tools and resources do you use and benefit from the most? So many types are available:
- Study Bibles
- Commentaries
- Concordances
- Dictionaries
- Atlases
- Phone and PC applications
- Websites
- Search engines
- Specific books
- Videos
- Libraries
- Specific people's preaching/teaching/writing
- and more.
As for me, when I'm preparing to teach my weekly adult Bible study class, I always use at least the following as I prepare the class handouts:
- 11 different study Bibles
- Any relevant commentaries or other books I have on hand
- An interlinear Greek and Hebrew resource such as or the Bible Hub app on my phone.
- Web search to pursue specific topics of interest in more depth
- Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology: Second Edition for more info on specific doctrines
What about you? What are your go-to Bible study resources?